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Residential Lease-Type 1



Agreement between [Name of Owners], Owners, and [Name of Tenants], Tenants, for a dwelling located at [Location of Dwelling].

Tenants agree to lease this dwelling for a term of [Term of the Lease], beginning [First Date of the Lease] and ending [Last Date of the Lease] for $ [Amount of the Lease] per month, payable in advance on the [Day of the month rent is due] day of each calendar month to Owners or their Agent, [Name of Agent], whose address is [Address of Agent]. When rent is paid on or before the [Day for discount] day of the calendar month, Owners will give Tenants a [discount] [rebate] of $ [Amount of Discount].

The first month's rent is $ [Amount of rent for first month].

The security/cleaning deposit on this dwelling is $ [Amount of Deposit]. It is refundable if Tenants leave the dwelling reasonably clean and undamaged.

Upon expiration, this Agreement shall become a month-to-month agreement AUTOMATICALLY, UNLESS either Tenants or Owners notify the other party in writing at least thirty days in advance to expiration that they do not wish this agreement to continue on any basis.

Should Tenants move before this Agreement expires, they will be responsible for paying rent through the end of the term or until another tenant approved by the Owners has moved in, whichever comes first.

Owners will refund all deposits due within days after Tenants have moved out completely and returned their keys.

Only the following persons and pets are to live in this dwelling:
Without Owners prior written permission, no other persons may live there, and no other
pets may stay there, even temporarily, nor may the dwelling be sublet or used for business purposes.


1. to accept the dwelling "as is," having already inspected it.
2. to keep yards and garbage areas clean.
3. to keep from making loud noises and disturbances and to play music and broadcast programs at all times so as not to disturb other people's peace and quiet.
4. not to paint or later the dwelling without first getting Owner's written permission.
5. to park their motor vehicles in assigned space and to keep that space clean of oil drippings and grease.
6. not to repair their motor vehicle on the premises [unless it is in an enclosed garage] if such repairs will take longer than a day.
7. to allow Owners to inspect the dwelling, work on it, or show it to prospective tenants at any and all reasonable times.
8. not to keep any liquid-filled furniture in this dwelling.
9. to pay rent by check or money order made out to the Owners (checks must be good when paid or applicable late-payment consequences will apply).
10. to pay for repairs of all damage, they or their guests have caused.
11. to pay for any windows broken in their dwelling while they live there.

Violation of any part of this Agreement or nonpayment of rent when due shall be cause for eviction under applicable code sections. The prevailing party [shall/shall not] recover reasonable legal service fees involved.

Tenants hereby acknowledge that they have read this Agreement, understand it, agree to it, and have been given a copy.



By Tenant